PolyPacific has a long history in the supply of polyolefin based grades for various pipe related applications. This includes specialty grades for oil and gas pipe coatings, potable water applications and pipe fittings.
We supply high opacity, custom coloured polyethylene for the jacketing and striping of PE100 pressure pipes. PolyPacific has the widest range of colours approved by the Plastics Industry Pipe Association of Australia Limited (PIPA). The full list of our current approved colours can be found on the PIPA website (Ref POP 004).
All of our jacketing and striping compounds are formulated and compounded in accordance with AS/NZS 4130:2009. This standard requires the inclusion of UV and antioxidant stabilizers necessary to protect the stripe or jacket over an extended period.
Our range of products are marketed under Polycomp 6030.